Pilot Voice Discontinuation FAQ

    March 21st, 2024

    After careful consideration, we've decided to discontinue our VoIP service in March of 2024. This decision aligns with our commitment to focus on our core mission: providing the best, most reliable office internet in New York City. We are able to own the experience of our internet product end-to-end, which ensures quality of service, reliability, speed of troubleshooting, and resolution that we cannot provide with our voice product. 

    Over the next few months, our Customer Experience team will reach out to Pilot Voice customers individually to talk you through the transition process and answer any questions you may have. We're also happy to share recommendations and advice to help you find a new provider, and guide you through the process to ensure you find a new VOIP provider that suits your business needs.

    If you have urgent questions, please reach out to CX@Pilotfiber.com

    Q. How do I find a new provider?

    A. Our team can connect you with recommended providers based on your needs. Email cx@pilotfiber.com to get connected.

    Q. Can I keep my phone numbers?

    A. Absolutely! We will provide you with a CSR (Customer Service Record) and port out PIN #, which you can provide to your new Voice service provider. They will then start the process of porting the numbers you have with Pilot to your new Voice provider. In most cases, the porting process takes 2-3 weeks from submission of all the documents. Incomplete information and pending orders can delay the process, so we recommend beginning porting as soon as possible.

    Q. What should I do with my phones? 

    A. Our team will let you know if any Pilot equipment needs to be returned. If there is, we'll provide return labels for the equipment.

    Q. Will my Pilot internet keep working?

    A. Yes! Your Pilot internet will not be affected by your change in voice service. Pilot internet will continue running without interruption.

    Q. When will my Pilot Voice service stop working?

    A. Pilot Voice will be discontinued in March of 2024. We recommend changing voice providers as soon as you're able to ensure a smooth transition. 

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