How to screen or block calls using answering rules in Pilot Voice

    This article explains how Admins can configure settings in Pilot Voice to screen calls (require a name before answering) or block calls (prevent someone from reaching the number) for their organization.


    One of the main goals of Pilot Voice features is to connect people as quickly and clearly as possible. By setting certain call boundaries for your organization, you can make the calling experience more efficient.

    Setting up call screening, for example, forces a caller to say their name before the recipient answers. This is useful when it comes to remembering certain callers’ names, juggling inbound calls, or helping direct/transfer callers to the right place. And screening calls for a call queue allows the employee who answers that line to quickly identify who’s calling in.

    Call blocking, on the other hand, makes it so a specific number doesn’t ring through. If you decide to block a number for your organization, that caller won’t be able to reach them. Instead, they’ll get a busy tone or number disconnected message. For example, blocking calls for main line answered by an auto attendant is an easy way to avoid spam or other unwanted calls before they reach an employee.

    As an admin, you can set up both of these features for your company in the Pilot Voice Portal. 

    How to turn on call screening

    Step 1: Log in to the Pilot Voice portal as a manager. Your Login Name will be in the format of extension@domain.

    Step 2: Select Users from the navigation. Then click the person or number that you want to edit.

    Step 3: Click on the answering rules tab. Then click Add Rule.

    Step 4: Check the box for call screening and then click save. Now all callers will be prompted to state their name when calling this extension.

    How to block calls from a specific number

    Step 1: Log in to the Pilot Voice portal as a manager. Your Login Name will be in the format of extension@domain. 

    Step 2: Select Users from the navigation. Then click the person or number that you want to edit.

    Step 3: Click on the answering rules tab. Then click Allow/Block.

    Step 4: Type in the number(s) that you want to block, then click the + button to add them to the user’s blocked list. You can also select the Block anonymous or unknown option to prevent those calls altogether.

    Step 5: Click the Done button to save your lists.


    Your employees will be thanking you for making their call process a whole lot easier! Check out these articles for more admin answering rule features within the Pilot Voice portal.

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